Are you stuck in a midlife 'style rut' ? This will help...

Hey, there!

Are you bored and uninspired by your wardrobe? Do you feel like you have lots of clothes but nothing to wear? Do you find yourself wearing the same neutral colors every day or living in yoga pants and that one pair of comfortable jeans? I TOTALLY get it!

I found myself in a major style rut a few months back and am currently in the process of completely reinventing my style and my wardrobe (and organizing my closet, which is a disaster!).

After a lot of trial and error, I hit on an approach that is so easy and makes so much sense - it’s turned this task that I SO dreaded into something that I’m super excited about. And I can't wait to share it with you!

So, I’ll be spending the next two podcast episodes on this topic. I’ve created a 2-part series called “Reinventing Your Style in Midlife”. In this week’s episode (Part 1), I’ll be guiding you through the first couple of steps in this process, which involve defining (or redefining) your style in midlife. Next week (Part 2), we'll take the process further.

Style has a powerful effect on our self-image and our confidence and it can be a great tool for growth at any stage of life, so you don’t want to miss this episode!

On the Blog

In this week’s article “Ways to Bring More Luxury Into Your Life”, I define what luxury means to me and share my best tips for how to bring more of it into your life. After all, who doesn’t want a little more luxury in their life?

Getting ready for The Glow Up Challenge!

Are you ready to glow up in time for summer? The Glow Up Challenge is essentially a week of FREE coaching and we’ve got a great group of ladies participating. I’ve spent the last week preparing and creating some amazing videos and resources for you. We start on Monday so be sure to forward this email/share the details with your girlfriends and have them download the Midlife Glow Up Guide. Let’s grow our group and get excited about glowing up! More to come, but for now...

Have a lovely week and I’ll be in touch before Monday!



EP 17: Reinventing Your Style in Midlife (Part One)

Blog Article: Ways to Bring More Luxury into Your Life

Wellegant Woman

Are you Ready to Transform Midlife and Become Your Healthiest and Most Radiant Self? I'm Karen, a Certified Health and Life Coach for women over 40. Sign up below and I'll show you how to make the years ahead your healthiest, most exciting ones yet!

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