Confused about which supplements to take? READ THIS!

Hello, Reader,

Of all of the questions I get, the one I am asked most frequently is “Which supplements should I be taking?”

Most people are totally confused and this is quite understandable given the amount of misinformation circulating on the internet. Add to that the fact that medical doctors receive very little training on nutrition/supplementation in medical school and few doctors offer any guidance whatsoever in this area AND the fact that supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry with heavy marketing online…..and what you’ve got is a population of people who are generally very uninformed and pretty mystified by the topic.

For women in midlife who are struggling with symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, supplements can be more important than ever, if and when we understand (1) what our wellness goals are, (2) what our unique needs are, (3) the benefits of certain supplements, and (4) how to use supplements in a way that will best support your body through the menopausal transition and beyond.

And this is where I come in….

In this week’s podcast, “Which Supplements Do I REALLY Need in Midlife?” I demystify the topic and share a LOT of information (everything I mentioned above and then some!), so make sure to listen to that episode and download the accompanying “Cheat Sheet.” This is the ‘go-to’ guide to supplementation for women over 40.

On the Blog

In other news…it’s finally feeling like spring in NY!! And along with spring comes the desire to ‘spring clean’ the house, throw open the windows, clear clutter and give everything a bit of a refresh.

To help you, I’ve compiled my favorite Non-Toxic Cleaning Products (remember, we want to avoid all of those endocrine disruptors in an effort to keep our hormones balanced!) Be sure to check out that post as well.

Have a wonderful, wellegant week, my friends!



EP 13: Which Supplements do I REALLY Need in Midlife?

Blog Article: Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Wellegant Woman

Are you Ready to Transform Midlife and Become Your Healthiest and Most Radiant Self? I'm Karen, a Certified Health and Life Coach for women over 40. Sign up below and I'll show you how to make the years ahead your healthiest, most exciting ones yet!

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