
Wellegant Woman

Are you Ready to Transform Midlife and Become Your Healthiest and Most Radiant Self? I'm Karen, a Certified Health and Life Coach for women over 40. Sign up below and I'll show you how to make the years ahead your healthiest, most exciting ones yet!

woman standing on the desert while her hands up
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The Secret to "Winning" Midlife...

Hey, Reader, Have you ever met a woman who just seemed to be rocking midlife? Sheā€™s fit and healthy, exudes confidence, lives with authenticity and a sense of purpose, and just seems to be lit up from within. When that woman walks into a room, people take notice. Thatā€™s because a woman who is "winning" midlife is a powerful creature. But we all know, thatā€™s far from the ā€˜norm.ā€™ Most women over 40 hardly feel as if they're "winning" midlife; in fact, many feel as if they're losing pretty badly...

person with red lipstick and red lipstick

Have you ever been in one of those on-again, off-again, toxic relationships that you knew you had to end, but you couldnā€™t quite seem to call it quits? Turns out that many of us have a similar connectionā€”with sugar. It's that tempting, sweet "boyfriend" who keeps us coming back for more, even though we know it's not good for us. For a woman over 40, sugar is a complete menace, wreaking havoc on our hormonal system, our gut, our metabolism and our energy level. And the worst part is, just like...

woman in white long sleeve shirt and blue pants

Hey, there! Are you bored and uninspired by your wardrobe? Do you feel like you have lots of clothes but nothing to wear? Do you find yourself wearing the same neutral colors every day or living in yoga pants and that one pair of comfortable jeans? I TOTALLY get it! I found myself in a major style rut a few months back and am currently in the process of completely reinventing my style and my wardrobe (and organizing my closet, which is a disaster!). After a lot of trial and error, I hit on an...

person holding white medication pill

Hello, Reader, Of all of the questions I get, the one I am asked most frequently is ā€œWhich supplements should I be taking?ā€ Most people are totally confused and this is quite understandable given the amount of misinformation circulating on the internet. Add to that the fact that medical doctors receive very little training on nutrition/supplementation in medical school and few doctors offer any guidance whatsoever in this area AND the fact that supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry...

Bonjour, ma cherie! Tell me, is there anything more intriguing than French women, with their effortless style, natural beauty, and their general sense of joie de vivre? And donā€™t even get me started on the way that French women age - like a fine wine, as they say. Not only am I a Francophile who has devoured nearly every book on this subject, but my dearest friend is a French woman, so Iā€™m fortunate to have the inside scoop and in this weekā€™s podcast, I explore what makes French women so...